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What Are Custom Tuck and Tongue Boxes?

Enhancing both presentation and security, tuck and tongue boxes deliver valuable benefits. Not only are they lightweight and cost-effective, but they also boast an eco-friendly design. Interlocking flaps on the top lid seal the box tightly, protecting the product inside. The tuck flap slides into the tongue, making them an excellent choice for companies wanting to make a statement with their packaging.

Material Options

At JoJoPackaging, we craft custom tuck and tongue boxes made with only the finest cardboard stock. Choose between 10pt and 30pt weights, and pick between white and kraft brown stocks for the perfect look. And if you have a special request, we'll source any extra materials you need.

Why Choose Tuck And Tongue Boxes?

Our customers have numerous reasons to opt for our customized tuck end with tongue lockboxes over other packaging options. From their superior sturdiness for safe storage and transport, to their eye-catching display capabilities, and to their cost-effectiveness, the advantages of these boxes are endless. Not to mention our boxes’ sustainability, as they’re made of 100% recyclable materials. Investing in our customized tuck end with tongue lockboxes is the perfect choice to start the path towards success!

High Visibility

One significant advantage of choosing our personalized die-cut t-tongue lockboxes is great visibility- these compactly designed packages make it possible to display product information more clearly at retail shops than some larger carton configurations like plain old square shaped ones which may not fit shelves neatly.

Brand Promotion

This style of foldable hinge-lid design provides numerous advantages, from keeping manufacturing costs competitive to optimizing the use of space. Not only that, but these compact units also help to ensure greater brand exposure thanks to their smaller size which makes them easier to transport.

Cost Effective

The affordability and durability of the materials used make this one of the most cost-effective options for businesses, allowing them to save on packaging without having to spend a lot of money.

Easy to Assemble

Custom tuck and tongue boxes offer numerous advantages, including speedy assembly which is ideal for customers who need large orders fast! Assembling is easy and swift, allowing for quicker lead times and delivery.


Adding our tuck top boxes with tongue locks to your product packaging can give you an extra bonus of helping protect the environment! Not only do they offer superior quality, but they are also made entirely from recycled materials—proving that exemplary packaging doesn't need to be created at the expense of the planet. So, make the switch to our tuck top boxes and contribute to a greener future!

Protection & Durability

The interlocking design of these packaging products makes them the perfect option for sensitive and fragile items that require a high-level of safety and security. With a snug fit, these products cushion delicate items and ensure that all your shipment needs are met.

Customizable Sizes

Our team will collaborate with you to engineer the ideal box size that not only gives you exactly what you need, but also enhances efficiency and reduces shipment transit costs. Whether your requirement is in any industry, we have customizable box sizes available for all.

Uses of Custom Tuck and Tongue Boxes

Discover the multitude of uses for T-tongue lockboxes across a wide range of industries! Designed to make secure storage and transportation for goods and other materials, our lockbox products are ideal for a variety of business scenarios - from small businesses to larger industrial operations. Easy to use and customizable for any application, these versatile and reliable solutions ensure that you can make the most out of your security needs. Get the job done right every time with T-tongue lockboxes!


Our certified quality folding cartons promise to deliver your medicines in a safe and secure fashion, all while monetarily guaranteeing your medication's efficacy along the way.

Retail Sales

Treat your customers to a sleeker store display that organizes all your product arrivals, promotions, and sales! With low-priced, custom-printed tuck end tongue boxes, you can create a great display for electronics, clothing, small toys, and accessories.

Food Industry

Small food items, like those delightful macarons or delectable confectionery, can greatly benefit from a light weight package that preserves their freshness and makes them visually attractive with brand specific foiled embossing and coatings that helps them stand out against the competition!

Personalized Printing Options

Our experts can create customized printing solutions that can help take your brand recognition to new heights. With personalization options like Pantone color matching and foil stamping, you can create unique designs that will put you ahead of the competition. Plus, with add-on features such as window cut-outs, you can really let your brand shine!

At JoJoPackaging, we are dedicated to creating tuck and tongue boxes that meet your every need with quality, affordability, and customizability. Our knowledgeable sales and customer service teams are here to ensure your satisfaction with efficient and exceptional solutions. We put you first and guarantee you the highest level of product excellence.