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Built to Last

We understand how important it is for us to maintain the high quality and dependability of your products. We only use top-notch, long-lasting materials for our custom hanging tab boxes. We handpick durable and eco-friendly corrugated paper and premium paperboard to ensure your goods are well-protected and reinforced.

Secure Hanging Tab Design

You can relax knowing that our products will always stay in place and maintain their fashionable look, all thanks to the patented secure hanging tab feature. Our boxes are made to last and come equipped with strong hanging tabs to support the weight of your items, so you won't have to worry about any damage or wobbliness. They're ideal for displaying your merchandise in a store and storing them securely.

Stand Out with Personalized Branding

Did you know that our custom-printed hanging tab boxes not only serve a functional purpose but also make a bold visual statement? We have the latest printing technology to create eye-catching designs to make your brand stand out on store shelves. We can customize these boxes with your logo and product visuals to perfectly represent your brand.

Effortlessly Assemble and Use with Ease

We recognize the significance of timely packaging and showcasing your merchandise. Hence, our personalized hanging tab boxes are crafted for effortless assembly and convenience. Boasting pre-folded and scored edges, our boxes can swiftly be assembled without extra tools or machinery. Additionally, the foolproof hanging tab feature simplifies hanging and exhibiting your products.

Your Green and Sustainable Solution

We take sustainability seriously here. It's one of our top priorities. That's why our custom hanging tab boxes are made with eco-friendly materials. Plus, when you're done with them, recycle them! It's super easy. So when you choose our boxes, not only do you get a functional and good-looking packaging option, but you're also doing your part to help the environment.

Versatile Solutions for All Products and Industries

Our custom hanging tab boxes aren't restricted to any particular field or merchandise. Whether it's cosmetics or household goods, electronics, or beauty essentials, these adaptable boxes are suitable for various products and industries. No matter what you're selling, our custom hanging tab boxes are the ideal choice.


Investing in custom packaging can often be costly, but our custom hanging tab boxes provide a budget-friendly solution for your packaging and display requirements. With the option to order as many or as few boxes as you need, there is no excess waste. Our boxes are competitively priced, making them a financially feasible choice for businesses of all sizes.